Monday, January 24, 2011


Hand molded horse head from when I was in the sixth grade.  The art instructor caused the flattening of the ears (I was upset).  This is probably the oldest piece of my artwork that I have with the possible exception of my hand print done in kindergarten, a project of the teacher's with little input from me other than loan of my hand. 


Elza said...

Wow, Carole you were an early talent. It looks like quite mature work for such a little girl. Have you kept up with clay since then?

Barbara B said...

Carole, It's really fun to see your art journey as you bring up the work you've done throughout your life.

Cathy Holtom said...

It's still a nice piece to have in your home, even if you were young when you made it. What did you paint it with ?(if you remember!)

Unknown said...

Wow! You did that in sixth grade? It looks professional!